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- The Ultimate Degrader & Enhancer Version 1.0d by N.O.M.A.D
- Documentation
- Forward
- -------
- This is my latest work, since i gave up cracking in January 1994
- i have been able to sort out my life and i am off to college in a
- week or so, because of the nature of my course i need to buy an
- IBM compatible PC, the amiga im afraid is to be sold to pay for
- a 486 DX2/66.
- This program has been sitting on my hardrive for a while, i HAVE
- to release it in its BETA form, or it will never get released at
- all, i may be able to afford to buy another amiga in a year or two
- but college is my main priority.
- Enjoy this program, and feel free to update it, but please remember
- to at least credit me for my work on it, after all it will be my
- last Amiga project for a while, in fact i may never return to the
- Amiga, who knows?
- To my friends in the amiga scene, and to all the crews i have cracked
- (deprotected) software for:
- Thankyou.
- N.O.M.A.D
- Chapter
- -------
- 1. About
- 2. Copyrights & Distribution details
- 3. TUDE options and their uses
- Chapter 1.
- ----------
- - About The Ultimate Degrader & Enhancer -
- TUDE has been in development for a few months, i needed a degrader
- type program that offered more flexibility than any of the currently
- available programs (Relokick, my own RunIt, Degrader, Runlame etc.),
- in one easy to use package. So TUDE was born.
- Two versions of TUDE are included, a CLI version and a GUI version.
- Chapter 2.
- ----------
- - Copyright & distribution notices -
- The Ultimate Degrader & Enhancer (TUDE) is Copyrighted material.
- TUDE is copyrighted by N.O.M.A.D and is available as Freeware.
- TUDE is freely distributable provided the following rules are respected:
- 1. No charge except reasonable media costs may be levied.
- 2. The program and documentation may not be modified in any way.
- I am in no way liable for damages, incidental or consequential, arising
- from the use or misuse of The Ultimate Degrader & Enhancer, or for any
- claim by any other party.
- Use this program at your own risk.
- No warranty is given either expressed or implied.
- Copyright and distribution terms are subject to change without notice.
- Chapter 3.
- ----------
- - TUDES options and their uses -
- TUDEGUI is a Gadget User Interface version of TUDE
- TUDE is the CLI version of tude
- NOTE: TUDE must be in your C: directory for the TUDEGUI to work.
- The kickstart 1.3 file (kick34005.a500) must be in your SYS:
- directory or in DEVS:KICKSTARTS
- ----
- Option type:
- --------------
- This option will display simple instructions for each of the options
- available in TUDE, a more detailed explanation for each option is
- contained in these docs.
- ----------
- Option type: PATCH
- ------------------
- Since the 68010, certain CPU instructions must be run in supervisor
- mode or they will cause what is know as a privileged error.
- This option intercepts the error and executes the instruction as
- the 68000 would.
- If the software you are using continually crashes with error 80000008
- or just crashes for no reason, try this option.
- --------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- If you have a 68851 or a full 680x0 CPU i.e. not the EC version, it
- will have some special hardware called a Memory Management Unit, this
- allows the user to remap areas of memory to another address, write
- protect memory and other useful options.
- This option resets the MMU to its default values so that the memory
- is in its original bootup state. NOTE: If you are using the MMU to
- remap kickstart to fast memory, this option will crash your machine
- ( for obvious reasons ! ).
- There is no real way of detecting if the MMU is to blame for your
- softwares failure, just try the option.
- ---------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This option resets the display to a blank ECS type screen, it will
- stay in this state until the software opens its own.
- Since the release of kickstart 3 and the AGA chipset, many programs
- suffer a corrupt screen problem when run from HardDrive or Workbench.
- This will cure the problem 90% of the time, however use of the CHIPSET
- or FMODE options in conjunction with BLANKVIEW will cure the remaining
- 10%.
- ----------
- Option Type: PATCH
- ------------------
- This option patches certain library vectors to return OS1.3 values
- without the need to kickup in kickstart 1.3
- Some software relies heavily on the values being returned by the OS
- to be the same as kickstart 1.3, a perfect example of return value
- differences is in kickstart 2.0+'s memory routines. If the software
- fails due to memory problems or just fails for no reason, try this
- option
- ------------
- Option Type: PATCH
- ------------------
- This option allocates all the fast memory it can, and patches the OS
- so that any programs that allocate memory only get chipram.
- Some programs will not run with fast memory, especially if run on
- A4000/A3000 and CD32's. In the majority of cases, no error will be
- given the software will just crash, just try this option if others fail.
- ---------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This option Resets the CPU - all attached peripherals & Execbase, your machine will be in the same state as it was when you first powered on.
- If after running some software, your machine behaves weird, use this
- option, saves you having to power off all the time!
- As a side effect, it kills all known viruses DEAD
- ------------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This option will "kickdown" your machine to kickstart 1.3 with ANY
- of TUDES available options i.e. PRIVILEGED, CHIPMEM=512k, NOFASTMEMORY
- etc. This makes it a VERY powerful option.
- KICKSTART1.3 DEGRADE will be one of your most used options, if software
- is going to work without alteration, this will probably do it!
- ------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This option affects all TUDES PATCH options, it forces them to take
- their memory from the top of the memory list.
- NOTE: Kickstart 2.0 or above needed.
- Even though programs can be fixed with TUDES options, sometimes
- the patches will be overwritten if in lower memory, this stops that
- happening by placing them high up in the available memory.
- -------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This option affects all TUDES PATCH options, it forces them to take
- their memory from ChipRam. MEMTOP & MEMCHIP can be mixed.
- NOTE: Kickstart 2.0 or above needed.
- Even though programs can be fixed with TUDES options, sometimes
- the patches will be overwritten if in FAST memory, this stops that
- happening by placing them in ChipRam.
- -------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ----------------------
- This option checks the machine it is running on and selects what it
- thinks are the best options to degrade the machine as much as possible.
- If you have not got a clue why software fails, try this option.
- -------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This option checks the machine it is running on and selects what it
- thinks are the best options to enhance the machine as much as possible.
- If you want to turn on all the available power in your machine, this
- is for you!
- OPTFILE=<filename>
- ------------------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ----------------------
- This option reads in an ASCII textfile and passes it as commands for
- TUDE to execute.
- If you are a cli user, once you have found out what makes a particular
- piece of software run, create a textfile with the options needed
- and just use it with TUDE via this option.
- Saves all that retyping!
- FAKEFAST=[1|2|3]
- ----------------
- Option type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This option gives chipram only machines fast memory by fooling the OS
- into thinking that any chipram above a certain address is fastmemory.
- The amount of fake fast depends on the number after the FAKEFAST
- command word.
- FAKEFAST=1 gives 1meg+ chipram machines 512k chip & rest of ram is fast
- FAKEFAST=2 gives 2meg chipram machines 1024k chip & rest of ram is fast
- FAKEFAST=1 gives 2meg chipram machines 1536k chip & rest of ram is fast
- It can also be used before the KICKSTART1.3 option is called to give
- you fakefast memory AFTER kicking up.
- Its usage is varied, it will obviously help in nofastram errors, but can
- also help older software that relies on certain chipram address's being
- free, by relocating execbase into fakefast.
- --------------------------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This option will emulate the specified chipset if the hardware will
- allow. Currently AGA can emulate the OLD and ECS chipsets, and ECS
- can emulate the OLD chipset.
- CHIPSET=OLD On AGA/ECS machines the original chipset will be emulated
- CHIPSET=ECS On AGA/ECS machines the enhanced chipset will be emulated
- CHIPSET=AGA On AGA/ECS machines the AGA chipset will be selected
- CHIPSET=BEST The chipsets best features will be enabled.
- NOTE: Unlike other degraders such as RunIt, TUDE's chipset option
- still works AFTER the Workbench 3 setpatch command has been run.
- TUDE's chipset option will affect ALL newly opened screens, currently opened screens retain their chipset values.
- It can be used to stop corrupt graphics on AGA/ECS machines, or to turn
- on AGA features for older software.
- ----------------------------------------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This option allows the user to "bootup" a disk in the internal drive
- with any of TUDE's options. The type of memory that the bootblock is
- read into can also be altered.
- BOOT=LOWCHIP Read bootblock into lowchip memory and boot disk
- BOOT=HIGHCHIP Read bootblock into highchip memory and boot disk
- BOOT=LOWFAST Read bootblock into lowfast memory and boot disk
- BOOT=HIGHFAST Read bootblock into highfast memory and boot disk
- REMEMBER: Any of TUDE's options can be used before booting up disk.
- Apart from using this to boot up a disk with TUDE's options,
- some software expects the bootblock to be either in chipram, or for
- certain areas of memory to be free and unused by the OS, obviously
- if a bootblock reads data over its own code, or over the OS libraries
- it will cause a software failure.
- FMODE=[1x|2x|3x|4x]
- -------------------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This option alters the AGA chipsets fetchrate from chipram, for the
- higher fetchrates data must be aligned to 64bit boundaries, lower
- fetchrates allow data to be on 16bit boundaries.
- FMODE=1x Set AGA graphics fetchrate to OLD & ECS values
- FMODE=2x Set AGA graphics fetchrate to 32bits
- FMODE=3x Set AGA graphics fetchrate to 32bits +
- FMODE=4x Set AGA graphics fetchrate to 64bits
- NOTE: Although other degraders such as RunIt & Embedder have this
- option, theirs will only alter the fetchmode while the
- screen is blanked, TUDE's fmode option will affect ALL
- newly opened screens, currently opened screens retain
- their fetchmode values.
- The fetchmode can cause havoc with certain software, all you see is
- garbage on the screen or corrupt sprites, use the FMODE=1x option
- to reset the fetchmode for all NEWLY opened screens to OLD/ECS rates.
- You could also use it with older software to help speed up GFX, use
- the FMODE=2x to FMODE=4x options
- ---------------------------------
- Option type: PATCH
- ------------------
- This option forces all screens that are opened via the OS to use a
- certain monitor type, in kickstart 3.0 the actual monitor driver
- MUST be in DEVS:
- VIEW=VGA Force all screens opened via the OS to use VGA
- VIEW=PRODUCT Force all screens opened via the OS to use PRODUCTIVITY
- VIEW=DBLPAL Force all screens opened via the OS to use DBLPAL
- VIEW=DBLNTSC Force all screens opened via the OS to use DBLNTSC
- If you are using a VGA monitor or the software you are using does
- not support the screen mode you want, use this option.
- ------------------------------------------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This option will force the display and/or OS to function as if it
- were an NTSC or PAL machine.
- HERTZ=HWPAL Go into PAL mode via ECS/AGA chipset
- HERTZ=HWNTSC Go into NTSC mode via ECS/AGA chipset
- HERTZ=OSPAL Patch OS to think it is a pal machine
- HERTZ=OSNTSC Patch OS to think it is a ntsc machine
- HERTZ=PAL Patch OS and go into pal via the ECS/AGA chipset
- HERTZ=NTSC Patch OS and go into ntsc via the ECS/AGA chipset
- This has various uses, from making software intended for PAL use to
- work on NTSC machines ( and NTSC software on PAL machines), to making
- software run faster and use the full screen vertically.
- -----------------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- Since the 68010, the vector locations for interrupts and exceptions
- can be moved to any location in chip or fast ram, this option will
- either reset them to the 68000 location, or move them to fast ram.
- VBASE=ZERO Set vector locations to zero ( 68000 )
- VBASE=FAST Set vectors locations to Fast ram
- The VBASE=ZERO option will fix most software ran from HD on 68040
- based machines such as the A4000, if software has no music or display
- does not seem to update correctly, try this option.
- The VBASE=FAST option can be used to speed up software, but only
- if you have true fast ram, and the software will run correctly with
- the vector base altered.
- ---------------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This option enables the user to turn the lowpass audio filter on and
- off, both have their advantages.
- FILTER=OFF Turn off the lowpass audio filter for clearer sound
- FILTER=ON Turn on the lowpass audio filter to stop distortion
- You can use this option to makes sounds sharper and clearer in your
- games software, or to help stop distortion on gritty samples.
- CHIPMEM=[512k|1024k]
- --------------------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This option reduces chip ram to specified values.
- CHIPMEM=512k Reduce chipram to 512k
- CHIPMEM=1024k Reduce chipram to 1024k
- Older software, especially games, will crash when more than 512k of
- chipram is available, there are no tell tale signs, just try it!
- -------------------------------------------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This option manipulates the cache memory on the 68020+, data caches can
- only be altered on the 68030+.
- CACHES=NONE : Turn off all CPU caches on 68020+
- CACHES=ALL : Turn on all CPU caches on 68020+
- CACHES=NOINS : Turn off CPU instruction cache on 68020+
- CACHES=NODATA : Turn off CPU data cache on 68030
- CACHES=INSON : Turn on CPU instruction cache on 68020+
- CACHES=DATA : Turn on CPU data cache on 68030+
- The CPU caches cause a lot of problems on older software, self altering
- code, CPU delay loops, all fail on 68020+, turning off the caches helps
- this software to run correctly.
- To make software run faster, turn on the caches, remember the data cache
- is not enabled on 68030/40 A4000 until the setpatch command has run.
- -------------------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This option will allow the genlocking of AGA to be turned on or off.
- A side affect of using this option without genlock data coming in, is
- a completely black border with does improve contrast!
- BORDER=NORM : Border area is in normal OCS/ECS state",$a
- BORDER=BLANK : Border area is in Blank/genlock state",$a
- If the video software you are using fails to work in genlock mode
- correctly, use the BORDER=BLANK option, if the genlock interfere's
- with software that it should not, use the BORDER=NORM option.
- ------------------------------
- Option Type: Run Once
- ---------------------
- This options alters the resolution of the amiga's hardware sprites.
- SPRITE=OCS : Reset Sprite resolution to OCS state",$a
- SPRITE=ECS : Reset Sprite resolution to ECS multistate",$a
- SPRITE=70NS : Reset AGA/ECS Sprites to HIRES resoltion",$a
- SPRITE=35NS : Reset AGA/ECS Sprites to SHIRES resoltion",$a
- SPRITE=DEF : Reset AGA/ECS Sprites to default WB value",$a
- If you have corrupt sprites, or they are too small/big for the screen
- they are on, using one of these options will correct the fault.